HCBA Lawyer Magazine Vol. 28, No. 2 | Page 56

wELCOME! MESSAgE FROM THE SECTiOn CHAiR Trial & litigation Section Chair: Brandon Faulkner – Holland & Knight, LLP W elcome! I would first like to thank Caroline Levine for her leadership as chair of the Trial & Litigation Section for the past year, and for her continuing support. The Section, and the board in particular, is fortunate to have such a tireless and motivated leader passing the baton. I would also like to take this opportunity to highlight upcoming events and encourage those with interest to become engaged in our Section’s programs and activities. The Bar is uniquely situated to foster professionalism, community involvement, continuing education, and pro bono efforts among our members and with the judiciary. This year, the Trial & Litigation Section will focus its efforts on promoting these activities, 54 the future. while also (See photos on continuing opposite page.) to offer our Please mark traditional your calendars programs. for our next For those who luncheon, have practiced which is law in our scheduled community for December for any length 14, 2017. of time, it is The CLE evident that that our the HCBA Section will benefits from Collegiality among opposing sponsor this an active year will and engaged counsel, despite zealous continue membership. advocacy, is a hallmark our focus on Collegiality enhancing among of our local bar. we should trial advocacy opposing all be proud of this. skills — paired counsel, with ethics, of despite zealous course. This advocacy, is a has been a theme of our CLEs for hallmark of our local bar. the past few years. We’ve had very We should all be proud of this. qualified, seasoned trial lawyers We will continue to host Section teach courses on opening statements, luncheons that feature speakers with witness examinations, and closing unique perspectives or experiences. arguments. If there is a particular Mayor Bob Buckhorn was the topic that is of interest to you, keynote speaker at our October 4, please let us know. 2017 luncheon. He discussed the This year, the Trial & Litigation challenges Tampa faced during Section continued to support the hurricane Irma, as well as the projects and developments underway Continued on page 55 to help propel our community into NOV - DEC 2017 | HCBA LAWYER