Marital & Family law Section Chair : Amber Boles – Law Office of Amber Boles , P . A .
The overall objective of parenting coordination is to assist high-conflict parents in implementing their parenting plan .
As a family law attorney , you have likely dealt with a contentious case involving parenting issues . These are the cases where the parties cannot get along or agree on any issue or resolve any dispute on their own . The conflicts these parties are dealing with range from highly important issues regarding medical treatment , educational decisions , holiday schedules , and discipline to disagreements over extracurricular activities , haircuts , and clothing choices . These conflicts between parents have an impact on their children . While the parties often don ’ t intend to put their children in the middle of a conflict or dispute , that is often what happens . It is important that parents in these situations are given the resources they need to co-parent effectively .
One such resource is a parenting coordinator . A parenting coordinator is an impartial third party whose role is to assist parents successfully create or implement a parenting plan and to help develop the parents ’ co-parenting skills . § 61.125 , Fla . Stat . To help parents resolve their conflicts , the court may appoint a qualified parenting coordinator . Section 61.125 outlines the requirements for a qualified parenting coordinator .
Under section 61.125 , a parent coordinator must be a licensed mental health professional under chapter 490 or 491 , Florida Statutes ; a licensed physician under chapter 458 , Florida Statutes , with certification by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology ; a Florida Supreme Court Certified family law mediator with a minimum of a master ’ s degree in mental health ; or an attorney in good standing with the Florida Bar . Additionally , the parenting coordinator must have been in practice for three years after receiving their license or certification , have taken a family mediation training program certified by the Florida Supreme Court , and have a minimum of 24 hours of parenting coordination training . Id .
The overall objective of parenting coordination is to help high-conflict parents implement their parenting plan ; monitor compliance with the details of the plan ; resolve conflicts regarding their children and the parenting plan in a timely manner ; and protect and sustain safe , healthy and meaningful parent-child relationships . See Association of Family and Conciliation Courts ,
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Guidelines for Parenting Coordination ( 2005 ). Parenting coordination provides a child-focused alternative dispute resolution process . § 61.125 , Fla . Stat .
Parenting coordinators help parties resolve their parenting issues and come to a resolution that is in the child ’ s best interest . Once appointed , a parenting coordinator can address conflicts between parties faster than the conflicts can be addressed through the courts . Parenting coordination is also less expensive than what parties could potentially pay in attorney ’ s fees and court costs litigating the same issues . And it gives parties the opportunity to learn the skills necessary to enable them to positively co-parent for years to come . While parenting coordination may not work for every case , it is something that should be thought of next time you are faced with a high-conflict parenting situation .
Author : Laurel Tesmer - Brandon Legal Group
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