F R O M T H E T H I R T E E N T H J U D I C I A L C I R C U I T C H I E F J U D G E J u d g e R o n a l d F i c a r r o t t a - C h i e f J u d g e f o r t h e T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t
Juvenile Offenses Can Result in Positive Outcomes
The goal ( of the program ) is to minimize progressive involvement in the juvenile , and ultimately adult , justice system .
My last article focused on the work done in our Dependency Divisions , which seek positive outcomes for children whose families are in turmoil . But the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court is able to affect children ’ s lives in a number of other ways , as well . I will now shine the spotlight on one of those other ways : our Juvenile Diversion Program ( JDP ).
JDP provides community-based alternatives to formal court processing of eligible juvenile offenders . Diversion is facilitated by the court ’ s JDP case managers and specialists who conduct evidencebased risk assessments and cater sanctions and referrals to the youth ’ s individual needs . It is meaningful to convey that the children are held accountable for their actions ; however , the goal is to minimize progressive involvement in the
juvenile , and ultimately adult , justice system .
© Can Stock Photo / Medclips
No one contests the impact an arrest can have on a young life . Arrest history can minimize educational and professional opportunities , with consequences that can last a lifetime . There is great interest across the state of Florida in implementing comprehensive arrest-avoidance programs . In August , the Thirteenth Circuit ’ s court partners entered into an inter-agency agreement to expand our Juvenile Arrest Avoidance Program ( JAAP ).
The prior JAAP program , which was launched in 2011 , permitted the issuance of citations , in lieu of arrest , for nine types of juvenile offenses . Last August , the court partners entered into a Delinquent Act Citation Pilot program , a one-year program permitting citations to be issued for first-time juvenile possession of cannabis ( 20 grams or less ) or possession of drug paraphernalia . The pilot was successful , with 222 children receiving citations under the pilot . Overall , 54 percent of pilot participants successfully completed the program , and another 19 percent are still active in the program as of October of 2017 . Success is also demonstrated by the $ 2,105 collected in restitution and the 4,123 hours of community service completed because of the JAAP program ’ s existence . Imagine how much more can be accomplished with nearly all misdemeanor offenses qualifying for diversion .
Delinquency court has a purpose , but addressing the needs of children who are new to the juvenile justice system and facing minor offenses is rarely one of them . I am confident that accountability accompanied by targeted services has the potential to impact children in a positive way . The court and our juvenile justice partners have the ability to combine sanctions with services that fit the needs of the children we encounter . Their future success rests in our efforts .
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