HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 35, Issue 2 | Page 43

National Park Service , The British Period ( 1763-1784 ), < https :// www . nps . gov / casa / learn / historyculture / thebritish-period . htm >.
Tampa Bay Economic Development Council , How Many People Moved to Florida this Past Year ?, < https :// tampabayedc . com / news / how-many-people-moved-to-floridathis-past-year />.
United States Census , Florida , < https :// data . census . gov / profile / Florida ? g = 040XX00US12 >.
Jaclyn Diaz , Florida Gov . Ron DeSantis signs a bill banning DEI initiatives in public colleges , NPR . org , May 15 , 2023 , < https :// www . npr . org / 2023 / 05 / 15 / 1176210007 / florida-rondesantis-dei-ban-diversity >; see also , The Florida Senate , CS / CS / CS / SB 266 ; Higher Education , < https :// www . flsenate . gov / Session / Bill / 2023 / 266 /? Tab = BillText >.
Mark D . Killian , Court Ends Bar Diversity Funding , Florida Bar News , Jan 30 , 2024 , < https :// www . floridabar . org / the-florida-bar-news / court-ends-bar-diversity-funding />.
The Florida Bar , Membership Outreach Committee , < https :// www . floridabar . org / about / cmtes / cmtes-cm / membership-outreach-committee />.
Hillsborough County Bar Association , Diversity , Equity & Inclusion Committee Meeting , < https :// www . hillsbar . com / members / group . aspx ? id = 149186 >.
Author : Judy L . Hoffman – Legal Advocates at Winslow Hoffman Law , PLLC
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