HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 35, Issue 2 | Page 12

Y L D M E S S A G E N i c o l e G e h r i n g e r – H a r r i s , H u n t & D e r r , P . A .

WhyyouShouldJointheyld asagovernmentlawyer

maybethebiggestbenefitofbeinginvolvedintheyldhasbeenthe unexpectedsenseofcommunitythattheyldhascreatedforme .
Feature Article written by Christian Katchuk , Thirteenth Judicial Circuit
As a new government lawyer , I initially could not see the value in getting involved with a voluntary bar association . I did not have clients and did not need to build a book of business , so what would being involved in the HCBA really do for my career ? I was sure the best use of my time was to just focus on my job and not worry about any “ extras .” Now , ten years into my career and eight or so years into heavy bar involvement , I realize I could not have been more wrong about my initial assessment .
1 0 N O V - D E C 2 0 2 4 | H C B A L A W Y E R