HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 35, Issue 1 | Page 63

Trial & litigation Section
owner said he didn ’ t know but that it was a requirement for Air Force leather .
J . Bob returned to Georgia and continued to look through the archives . In his search , he finally found the first contract — giving him the answer . The predecessor to the Air Force was the U . S . Infantry and Cavalry Division . While the “ Infantry ” eventually became the Army , the “ Cavalry ” eventually became the Air Force . The leather used for the cavalry needed to be cured in horse urine so that the
J . Bob Humphries and family
saddles would not spook the horses . Over time , this leather was transitioned from saddles to the leather seats of fighter jets . Prior to J . Bob , no one had asked the
question and , in doing so , he likely saved the U . S . millions of dollars .
I tell this story to convey that leaderships comes in many forms . Whether it be solving a problem at work , taking a case to trial , mentoring young attorney , or giving back with pro bono efforts , I encourage you to find your own version of leadership . Be curious . Ask questions . Maybe someday it will become a part of your own legacy . n
Author : Lauren V . Humphries – Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC
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