HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 35, Issue 1 | Page 57

If anyone is interested in presenting a CLE , or wishes to hear about a particular topic or trend , please let us know .
Additionally , we are always looking for opportunities to help the Tampa Bay community through Pro-Bono service , so please share any opportunities or projects you would like our Section to consider adopting . At this time , we have signed up to staff Project H . E . L . P . ( Homeless Experience Legal Protection ) during the month of September 2024 . The clinic will take place every Tuesday in September , from 6:00 p . m . to 7:30 p . m . at Metropolitan Ministries . Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering .
Finally , one of the best ways to keep each other apprised of relevant legal issues that may affect each of our practices is through this Lawyer magazine . The Lawyer offers members an opportunity to discuss various legal issues or interesting decisions that may affect how we practice , as well as the opportunity to be published . The Lawyer ’ s success is dependent on the members of the HCBA submitting articles , so we invite you to consider contributing an article this Bar Year . Please contact us if you would like additional information or wish to submit an article .
We look forward to a great year and hope to see you at our Section ’ s various events ! n
Authors : Lauren A . Taylor – Johnson , Pope , Bokor , Ruppel & Burns , LLP & Melodie Khosrovani – Shutts & Bowen , LLP
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