Join the marital & Family Law section at hillsbar . com .
Marital & Family law Section Chair : KimMaxwell – OlderLundyKoch & Martino advancement ( noun ) – 1 . theact orprocessofmovingforward ; 2 . developmenttowardanincreased understandingandqualityof knowledgeinaconsequentialindustry .
Advancement ( noun ) – 1 . the act or process of moving forward ; 2 . development toward an increased understanding and quality of knowledge in a consequential industry .
We have witnessed many advancements in our practice since the disruption of the pandemic . Of course , with disruption and advancement comes change , and those changes are often out of our control . The Marital & Family Law Section has been dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment where we can all enhance our abilities , share knowledge , and support one another . In addition to this mission , my goal for this year is to focus on our individual and professional advancement as family law practitioners to best align our skill set with the recent advancements in technology and the law .
As many of you know , we will have four quarterly luncheons during the Bar Year in addition to specialized CLE events . Although our agendas and speakers are not yet finalized , we are focused on advanced family law topics in the
areas of procedure , changes in the law , expert witnesses , psychological evaluations and disorders , and most importantly , professionalism . I welcome and encourage all section members to reach out if you have a particular area or topic of interest for our luncheons or CLEs .
On November 14th [ SAVE THE DATE !], our section will host our 2nd Annual “ Family Law Track ” during the Hillsborough County Bar Association ’ s Bench Bar Conference . Our section and judiciary did a fantastic job advocating for and promoting a substantive family law component to the annual conference . The growth of our section has been remarkable , and your support and attendance are needed to maintain the family law track for future conferences . We are working hard to present an engaging and highquality program in November !
This year will mark the 10th year of our Marital & Family Law Pro Bono Clinic . Thanks to our dedicated pro bono committee members , the demand for services at our Clinic has grown at an exponential rate . If you are new to the practice of family law and
looking to develop your skills , I encourage you to volunteer .
In addition to our community work , the section will be looking within to work on ways of increasing our membership and providing the highest value to our members . Remember the days when the 4th floor was full of your colleagues without an open hallway seat in sight ? While we may never return to a crowded 4th floor , we will continue our initiatives to unite our family law section and welcome the growing number of family law practitioners to our collegial circle . These initiatives include our mentor-ship program , Guardian ad Litem mentoring group , Judicial Brown Bag Luncheons , and happy hours .
We have a tremendous family law community and we have endured the ups and downs of the changes forced upon us in recent years by advancements in our practice . I look forward to a year dedicated to us and our individual and professional advancements . n
Author : Kim Maxwell - Older Lundy Koch & Martino
Join the marital & Family Law section at hillsbar . com .
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