HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 35, Issue 1 | Page 40

State Court Trial Seminar theyounglawyersdivisionshosteditsannualStatecourt trialSeminaronJune28atthegeorgee . edgecombcourthouse . thefour-hourseminarfeaturedspeakersPublicdefender Julianneholt , 13thJudicialcircuit ; JudgechristineMarlewski , 13thJudicialcircuit ; lindseyguinand , thefloridaBar ; gwendolyndaniel , Smithtoziandaniel & davis , P . a .; kevin Mclaughlin , wagnerMclaughlinwhittemore ; Philcampbell , Shumaker ; JohnSchifino , gunster ; alexisdeveaux , gunster ; lisaMclean , McleanMitchell , llc ; andScottharmon , State attorney ’ soffice . theJudicialPanelfeaturedJudgeSamantha ward , JudgeloganMurphy , Judgelyanngoudie , Judge gregorygreen , andJudgeJeffrich . attheendoftheSeminar , theyldhostedanend-of-yearhappyhourat511franklin . thankyoutothespeakersandtheattendees !
Thank you also to the event ’ s sponsors : Burr & Forman and Bolt Lending Group .
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