HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 35, Issue 1 | Page 34

Installation of 2024-25 Officers & Directors
Morethan200membersattendedthe annualinstallationceremonyatthechester fergusonlawcenteronJune6 , where incominghcBaPresidentanthony “ nino ” MartinoandyldPresidentnicolegehringer tooktheiroathsofofficeforthecomingBar year , alongwiththenewofficersanddirectors . ( readmoreabouttheinstallationandournew hcBaPresidentninoMartinoonpage12 .)
The HCBA would like to thank The Bank of Tampa for sponsoring this great event .
PhotographyiscourtesyofthompsonBrand images . thompsonBrandimages isabenefitproviderforthehcBa . www . thompsonbrandimages . com .
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