F E A T U R E A R T I C L E J u d g e T h o m a s P a l e r m o – T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t C o u r t
nooneappreciatesthefamilylawpractitionersmorethanthecourt , forweseethehardworkandhandholdingthathelpspeoplemove forwardwiththeirlives . asfrankSinatrasang , “ that ’ slife .”
Once upon a time , a circuit judge was one who rode circuit , an itinerant judge roving from courthouse to courthouse , bringing justice to the people . From the dawn of the Republic through 1911 ( with one exception in 1801 ), it was the U . S . Supreme Court Justices riding circuit in , at times , travel that took weeks . Of course , in federal court , the intermediate appellate courts are the Circuit Courts , ours being the 11th Circuit , based in Atlanta .
Florida also has circuit courts . In 1973 , Florida adopted its current two-tiered trial court system , although municipal courts were not phased out until 1977 . In Florida , circuit courts are the trial courts of general jurisdiction and serve as the highest trial court and , in some instances , the lowest appellate court . Unlike in our early American history , Florida Circuit judges are not roving amongst various courthouses to dispense justice .
But , on June 13 , 2024 , I had the opportunity to come closer to riding circuit . On June 11 , 2024 , two attorneys appeared by Zoom to ask if I would permit their clients to appear by Zoom for a final hearing two days hence . The parties were 96 and 92 years old . The 96-year-old was in an assisted living facility and there were concerns about her being able to make it through her divorce final hearing . Having had the parties try to use Zoom before , Zoom now was a non-starter . But , being half their age ,
there was another solution : hold court at the assisted living facility .
Counsel did the heavy lifting , making all the necessary arrangements . A conference room was secured . Bailiff in tow I channeled my inner Judge Barbas (“ have gavel , will travel ”) and joined the parties and counsel at the assisted living facility . Counsel did an able job representing their clients in a unique circumstance . The parties were able to participate , avoiding the issues that led to the motion . A final hearing was needed , and it was completed .
Of all the unique moments , midafter - noon , the assisted living facility opened up a wine bar in the large open space adjacent to the conference room . A singer was brought in and , as the residents cheered , he began to sing a heavy rotation of Frank Sinatra cover songs . He was a great singer — no Judge DePaul , but then who is ? — and he was able to light up the facility . It was hard not to laugh at some of his song choices . This was my first divorce final hearing with an actual soundtrack .
Family is a tough area in which to practice . It intersects with every other area of law , civil , criminal , dependency , probate , all of it . It touches on every aspect of the human experience . It brings enormous challenges that require flexibility from all of us . No one appreciates the family law practitioners more than the court , for we see the hard work and handholding that helps people move forward with their lives . As Frank Sinatra sang , “ That ’ s Life .” n
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