Law Day Luncheon hcBahelditsannuallawdayluncheonon may7atthehiltondowntowntampa . wewere honoredtohostFloridaattorneygeneralashley moodyasourkeynotespeaker , whogavean updateonstatewideissues . also , wewere proudtorecognizetwocommunityleaders , whenweawardedourannuallibertyBell awardtomaryleeFarriorandourmargaretd . mathewsmentoringawardtogwynneYoung .
Thank you also our law Day luncheon sponsor , The Bank of Tampa , for their generous support .
Photographywascourtesyof thompsonBrandimages . thompsonBrand imagesisabenefitproviderforthehcBa . www . thompsonbrandimages . com . thankyoualsototcSforproviding a / vassistanceandsignage . additionalphotosfromtheeventareavailable atwww . facebook . com / hcBatampabay .
Seeadditionalphotosonpages39-40 .
3 8 J U l - A U g 2 0 2 4 | H C B A l A W Y E R