HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 4 | Page 16

Hillsborough County Bar Association 100 Club Law firms with 100 % membership in the HCBA

13th Judicial Circuit Court Genders-Alvarez-Diecidue , P . A .
2nd District Court of Appeal Givens Law Group
Adams & Reese LLP Glausier Knight Jones , PLLC
Alley Clark & Greiwe Gordon J . Schiff , P . A .
Ansa Assuncao , LLP GrayRobinson , P . A .
Anthony J . LaSpada P . A . Greenberg Traurig
Anthony & Partners , LLC Griffin & Associates , P . A .
Appleton Reiss PLLC Gunn Law Group
Bajo Cohen Agliano P . A . Gunster
Barbas , Nunez , Sanders , Butler & Hovsepian Harmon Parker , P . A .
Barnes Trial Group Harris , Hunt & Derr , P . A .
BaumannKangas Estate Law Hendee McKernan Schroeder Wilkerson & Hendee , PA
Bay Area Legal Services Plant City Hilary High , P . A .
Betras , Kopp & Markota , LLC Hillsborough County Attorney ’ s Office
Betts Mediation Legal Affairs Department
Bivins & Hemenway , P . A . Hill Ward Henderson
Bleakley Bavol Denman & Grace Hillsborough Co . Sheriff ’ s Office , Legal Division
Bob Nader Mediation Services Holcomb & Leung , P . L .
Brandon Legal Group , P . A . Hunter Law , P . A .
Brannock Berman & Seider Jackson Lewis P . C .
Bubley & Bubley , P . A . Johnson , Newlon , & DeCort , P . A .
Buell & Elligett , P . A . Jeanne T . Tate P . A .
Burr & Forman Jeffrey C . Shannon , PA
Bush Ross Johnson Jackson LLC
Butler Weihmuller Katz Craig LLP Jorgensen Law Group , LLC
Carey , O ’ Malley , Whitaker , Mueller , Roberts & Smith , P . A . Joyce & Reyes Law Firm
Carlton Fields , P . A . Kay Family Law PLLC
Carman & Bevington , P . A . Koster Legal
Clark & Martino , P . A . Kynes Markman & Felman , P . A .
Cole , Scott & Kissane , P . A . Langford & Myers , P . A .
Cortes Hodz Family Law and Mediation , P . A . Larson Johnson , P . L .
Danahy & Dunnavant
Law Offices of Andrew Shein de la Parte , Gilbert , McNamara & Caldevilla , P . A Law Office of Christopher T . Abrunzo , PLLC
Donica Law Firm , P . A . Law Offices of Jeanne T . Tate , PA
Felix , Felix & Baseman Lawrence E . Miccolis , P . A .
Fraser Himes , P . A . Leo D . Gomez , P . A .
Friscia & Ross P . A . Leon & Berg , P . A .
Fuentes & Kreischer , P . A . Leslie Reicin Stein P . L .
Galloway , Johnson , Tompkins , Burr and Smith Macfarlane Ferguson & McMullen
Garcia Mediation Martin Law Office , P . A .
Gardner Brewer Hudson McCart & Tesmer , P . A .
McCulloch Law , P . A . McNamara & Carver Mechanik Nuccio Hearne & Wester , P . A . Michael D . Fluke , P . A . Michael Rossi Law Morris Law Firm NLG Paskert Divers Thompson Quinn & Lynch P . A . Ramirez Law Firm Rechel & Associates , P . A . Richard A . Harrison , P . A . Rocke , McLean , & Sbar , P . A . Rumberger Kirk & Caldwell , P . A . Saxon , Gilmore & Carraway , P . A . Scarritt Law Group , P . A . Scott A . Haas , P . A . Sessums Black Caballero Ficarrotta Shirin Rustomji , P . A . Smith , Tozian , Daniel & Davis , P . A . Spector Gadon Rosen Vinci , LLP Stephen C . Cheeseman , P . A . Stichter , Riedel , Blain & Postler , P . A . Stolberg & Townsend , P . A . Stoler Russell Keener Verona P . A . Tampa City Attorney ’ s Office The Fernandez Firm The Frey Law Firm , LLC The Law Offices of Julia Best Chase P . A . The Law Office of Paul M . Sisco The Spring of Tampa Bay Legal Services Division The Yerrid Law Firm , P . A . Thomas & LoCicero PL Trentalange & Kelley , P . A . Trombley & Hanes , P . A . Turkel Cuva Barrios , PA Wagner McLaughlin Weekley Schulte Valdes Murman Tonelli Wenzel Fenton Cabassa , P . A . Wicker Smith O ’ Hara McCoy & Ford P . A . William A . Knight , P . A .
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