HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 3 | Page 61

ethicS & onLinereviewS : torePLY , ornottorePLY : thatiStheQueStion : Partiiofii
Professionalism & ethics Committee
look at this rule indicates : “ The confidentiality rule applies not merely to matters communicated in confidence by the client but also to all information relating to the representation , whatever its source .” Accordingly , attorney-client confidentiality is to remain intact even after representation has ended . To abstain from potential issues , Florida Bar Ethics Opinion 20-01 5 supports a broad counter statement . One example may be : “ Due to attorney-client privilege , I cannot entirely address this comment . However , I do not believe this statement reflects my work .”
In conclusion , the best option is to avoid replying to negative comments , though it might be tempting to defend oneself against harsh or dishonest feedback . Navigating the world of technology while staying loyal to the oaths and standards of professional conduct can feel like a walk on a razor ’ s edge , but with discipline and practice , you too can glide through without a scratch . n
1 https :// www . americanbar . org / content / dam / aba / administrative / professional _ responsibility / aba-formalopinion-496 . pdf .
2 https :// www-media . floridabar . org / uploads / 2021 / 12 / FL-Bar-Ethics- Op-21-1 . pdf .
3 https :// www-media . floridabar . org / uploads / 2020 / 11 / FL-Bar-Ethics- Op-20-1 . pdf .
4 https :// www . americanbar . org / content / dam / aba / administrative / professional _ responsibility / aba-formalopinion-496 . pdf .
5 https :// www-media . floridabar . org / uploads / 2020 / 11 / FL-Bar-Ethics- Op-20-1 . pdf .
Co-Authoredby : GraceA . Garcia & AnthonyJ . Garcia , Esq . – GarciaMediation
Florida Patriot Award Awarded to Judge Holder congratulationstoJudgegregholderofthethirteenthJudicialcircuitcourt , oneoftherecipientsofthe3rdannualfloridaPatriotaward , thathonors andrecognizeslegalveteranservicetoourcountryandcommunity . hcBahostedawatchpartyforthevirtual , statewideawardsceremonyatthechester fergusonLawcenteronnovember27 . thefloridaPatriotawardprogramwasco-sponsoredbyhcBa , alongwithotherbarassociationsandlawfirmsacrossflorida .
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