HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 3 | Page 58

Military & Veterans affairs Committee Chairs : ­Robert­Barton­ — ­Rumberger / Kirk­ & ­Steve­Collins­ — ­Law­Office­of­Rory­Weiner
changestocircuit courtorganization wouldlikelyundermine oneofflorida ’ smost effectiveveterans treatmentcourts .

As of early November , a panel appointed by the Florida Supreme Court is working on a draft report regarding consolidation of Florida ’ s Circuit Courts . Originally raised in a letter written to the Supreme Court by the speaker of the Florida House , there is now an investigation into whether consolidation of some of the State ’ s Circuits could cut costs and increase efficiency . The panel recently held a public hearing at the George Edgecomb Courthouse and on Zoom , where the resounding sentiment seemed to be against consolidation , particularly here in the Thirteenth Circuit . The criteria set by the Court center on how changes to the Judicial Circuits would impact the community at large . Measured by factors like efficiency , access to courts , and public trust , the goal is to ensure that the Circuits are best organized to serve the people .

Here in Hillsborough County , one group may be particularly impacted by changes to the Thirteenth Circuit : veterans enrolled in the county ’ s Veterans Treatment Court . The Veterans Treatment Court , or “ VTC ,” specializes in a rehabilitative approach for veterans suffering from military service-related issues and stands by their motto , “ Leave No Veteran Behind .” Col . DJ Reyes , Ret ., heads the volunteer Veteran Mentor Program , which
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