HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 34, Issue 3 | Page 37

“ thiScaLLiSSuBJecttoMonitoring , recorDing ( anDanaLYSiSBYa . i .)”
Criminal law Section
conversations . What used to be impractical , if not impossible , is now at the fingertips of prison officials .
The use of A . I . will assist prison officials and law enforcement by enhancing the efficiency of call monitoring . However , it raises concerns from privacy advocates , particularly regarding the potential for abuse or misuse of the technology , as well as the potential issues pertaining to data access and storage duration . For the defense practitioner , it is now more important than ever to advise clients , and their families , that calls while incarcerated are not simply subject to recording and monitoring , but also to real-time analysis and investigation conducted by artificial intelligence software . n
1 https :// fdc . myflorida . com .
Fla . Admin . Code R . 33-602.205 ( 1 ).
Fla . Admin . Code R . 33-602.205 ( 1 )( J ).
Fla . Admin . Code R . 33-602.205 ( K ).
5 https :// leotechnologies . com / verus /.
6 https :// www . tampabay . com / news / florida / 2023 / 09 / 19 / florida-artificialintelligence-prisonsurveillance-leotechnologies-veruscalls-amazon .
Author : RonFrey – TheFreyLaw Firm , LLC

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Saturday , March 23 , 2024 5K Pro Bono River Run & Judicial Food Festival , Chester Ferguson Law Center , Stetson Tampa Campus & Riverwalk
Tuesday , May 7 , 2024 Law Day Luncheon , Hilton Downtown Tampa
Thursday , May 9 , 2024 Law & Liberty Dinner , Hilton Downtown Tampa
Thursday , June 6 , 2024
Installation of Officers / Directors Chester Ferguson Law Center
Learn­more­about­HCBA­eventsat­www . hillsbar . com . ­

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