HCBA Lawyer magazine No. 33, Issue 6 | Page 9

H C B A P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E J a c q u e l i n e A . S i m m s - P e t r e d i s –
B u r r & F o r m a n , L L P
This Bar year was filled
Men ’ s
with so much community — whether it was a CLE , a
team . Better known as the
Section / Committee luncheon ,
Team .
a Young Lawyer ’ s happy hour ,
featured many NBA greats and future Hall of Famers , along with Coach Krzyzewski . If you know me at all , you know that my lawyer husband , Justin
a pro bono event or something else — we came together in record numbers . Thank you to everyone who supported me and the HCBA . I navigated
Petredis , is from Cleveland . His
Cleveland pride is unmatched and , somewhere early on in our 18 years of marriage , he
Justin Petredis , Jacqueline A . Simms-Petredis , and Judge Ward and baby Robert .
organization while also having a newborn baby at home . Robert Petredis ( named after
convinced me to be a Cavaliers basketball fan . This was an easy ask because of Lebron James — the greatest of all time ( find me at a Bar event and tell me I ’ m wrong !). Lebron is a leader , he is focused on giving back to his community and he is a vocal spokesperson for diversity , equality and inclusion . Many of us may not realize that we too have a stage to create change in our profession and in our community , and I encourage you to find your voice .
my late father , the Honorable Robert Simms ), came into this world a few short weeks after I was sworn in last June , and he immediately became a member of the HCBA community . He attended the Bench Bar Conference ( photo above ), Committee / Section orientations , the Pig Roast / 5K River Run , and many other events . I am grateful for the HCBA family and honored to have my name on the long list of past Presidents ! n
J u l - A u g 2 0 2 3 | H C B A l A W Y E R