HCBA Lawyer magazine No. 33, Issue 6 | Page 58

How to Start a SucceSSful Mediation Practice
Mediation & Arbitration Section Chairs : Gerald T . Albrecht – Albrecht Mediation & Amber Boles – Boles Law Office
Getting the word out about your mediation practice is one of the most important steps to success .

How I established a prosperous mediation practice is one of the issues I am frequently questioned about . I learned what made a mediation practice successful through trial and error . Here are some pointers .

Get Certified
Although certification is not necessary , I have discovered that having it provided me credentials that made my practice effective . Being certified has benefits , and one of those benefits is immunity ( Fla . Stat . 44.107 ). Even if you are a successful and well-regarded lawyer , potential parties will look up your credentials online . Obtaining certification increases your credibility with the parties who hire or choose you as a mediator .
Getting the word out about your mediation practice is one of the most important steps to success . The simplest and most effective approach to market your mediation services is through digital marketing , particularly social media . Businesses primarily utilize LinkedIn . Other popular advertising sites include Facebook and Instagram . Canva , a user-friendly application , is one of my favorite tools for making social media ads . Additionally , I use MailChimp for email marketing .
Make sure your website clearly states that you mediate .
Online Programs
A few effective tools are used by mediators . An office assistant or paralegal can more easily coordinate dates with an online calendar . The more accessible you are as a mediator , the more likely it is that your calendar will be completely booked with mediations .
Attorneys frequently complain to me about other mediators who do not draft agreements at the mediation . The likelihood of the agreement being signed is very high if it is drafted during mediation , and much less so if not . Excel and Word are both programs I use . In order to combine many PDF documents into one , I use Adobe Acrobat .
A digital signature method also contributes to virtual mediations ’ high success rates for case resolution . I have Docusign . Programs that provide child support recommendations are useful in family law mediations .
It ' s critical to have a secure video conference program in place since COVID . Many court proceeding are still held virtually . I use Zoom . Make sure you promote virtual mediations in all marketing materials . This choice is favored by many lawyers and parties .
Resolution is the BEST referral The primary reason I receive referrals as a mediator is because I assist parties in reaching a resolution . The majority of my referrals come from lawyers and parties whose cases I have successfully handled as their mediator . Even partial or temporary agreements may further the case , and the parties may return to you as the mediator .
Look for training programs or courses that will aid you in honing your skills as a mediator . The better you are at helping parties resolve their case , the greater chance of getting a referral from them .
I hope that some of these pointers will be useful to you as you create your mediation business and develop profitable opportunities . My decision to switch from a litigation career to a mediation practice was one the best decisions I made . n
Author : Natalie Baird- King – Natalie Baird Mediations
Join the Mediation & Arbitration Section at hillsbar . com .
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