HCBA Lawyer magazine No. 33, Issue 6 | Page 42

CollaborativECasEspEndingbEforEthECourt ? saYwhat ??
Collaborative law Section Chairs : ­Zachary­Bayne­ – Allen­Dell , ­P . A . ­ & ­Stacey­Hudon­ – Felix , ­Felix­ & ­Baseman

One of the fundamental concepts underlying the collaborative process is that it is an out-of-court method for the voluntary resolution of disputes . This essential nature of the process , as being one that occurs outside of the courtroom , is reflected in the definition of the collaborative process . The Standards and Ethics published by the International Academy of Collaborative Processionals ( IACP ) defines the process as one in which “ clients resolve disputes without resorting to any process in which a third party makes a decision that legally binds a client .” See IACP Standards and Ethics at § I . 1.0 . A . Florida law thefactthat onepartyhas commenceda contestedaction byfilingapetition oreventhatboth partieshaveexchangedpleadingsdoesnotmeanthatthe mattercannotbepulledbackintothecollaborativeprocess .

defines the process as one intended to resolve a matter “ without intervention by a tribunal .” Fla . Stat . § 61.56 ( 4 ). This core element is also reflected in the fact that the act of going to court to seek judicial relief will generally terminate the collaborative process . See Fla . Stat . § 61.57 ( 4 )( b ), ( c ) and ( d ); also IACP Standards and Ethics at § I . V . 4.2 . B .
Because of this , there is a perception that collaborative cases should occur pre-suit with the participants going through the process to resolution prior to filing an uncontested “ joint ” petition for the court to ratify the terms of the collaborative resolution agreement . But that is not the case . The fact that one party has commenced a contested action by filing a petition or even that both parties have exchanged pleadings does not mean that the matter cannot be pulled back into the collaborative process . If the parties desire to participate in the collaborative process the primary requirement ( other than that both must be represented by
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