HCBA Lawyer magazine No. 33, Issue 6 | Page 26

S P E C I A L F E A T U R E A l e x i s D i o n D e v e a u x – G u n s t e r & L y n d s e y S i a r a - 6 t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t
YLD President Lyndsey Siara utilized her presidential authority under the YLD Bylaws , with the support of the Board , to formulate a special Documentary Planning Committee to oversee this important project . This ultimately became a two-year committee chaired by Alexis Dion Deveaux – YLD Director and HCBA Diversity Equity & Inclusion Co-Chair .
With Voluntary Bar Associations : A project such as this requires community input and contribution at all stages of production . Valuing the contribution each local affinity bar association could bring to this film , the YLD sought to collaborate with the George Edgecomb Bar Association , the Hillsborough Association for Women Lawyers , the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Tampa Bay , and the Tampa Hispanic Bar Association . Each organization was represented on the Documentary Planning Committee .
On the Documentary Planning Committee ( DPC ): The DPC was comprised of over thirty attorneys and judges — all of whom were passionate about the project and its subject matter . With an engaged and enthusiastic group of lawyers committed to this project , the DPC divided itself into Task Forces ; each of which focused on a particular subset of the DEI theme — Race , Gender , Disability , and LGTBQ +. The Task Forces then went to work : researching major developments in the DEI space since the production of BTLWE ; investigating potential interviewees and subject matter experts ; and developing an outline of topics and talking points to interweave into an overall theme .
While the Task Force was hard at work , the YLD Board oversaw selection of the videographers . An integral part of this project was ensuring diversity , equity , and inclusion on both sides of the filming lens . A bevy of interviews and highlight reels later , an all-female videography team was chosen to capture the history and stories of our local legal community . Selection of these young University of Tampa film school alumnae was deliberative . In addition to their talent and aptitude , these young women were minority members themselves and ultimately identified with the perspectives shared .
Interviewees : The DPC Task Forces identified multiple potential interviewees . The 18 interviewees ultimately selected : Former Florida Supreme Court Justice Peggy Quince ; Senator Arthenia Joyner ; Representative Michele Rayner Goolsby ; Public Defender for the 13th Circuit Julianne Holt ; U . S . District Court Judge Virginia Hernandez Covington ; retired Second District Court of Appeal Judge E . J . Salcines ; retired Second District Court of Appeal Judge Marva Crenshaw ; retired 13th Circuit Court Judge Susan Sexton ; 13th Circuit Court Judge Denise Pomponio ; retired 13th Circuit Court Judge Claudia Isom ; Alexis Dion Deveaux , Esq .; Judy Hoffman , Esq .; Jeanne Coleman , Esq .; ACLU Legal Director Daniel Tilly , Esq .; Susan Sandler , Esq .; Grace Yang , Esq .; Kay McGucken , Esq .; and Kelly Landsberg , who is a Deaf & Hard of Hearing Advocate .

Attorneys Needed for HCBA Lawyer Referral Service

The HCBA would like to extend an invitation to all attorneys to join the HCBA ’ s Lawyer Referral Service . Bilingual attorneys are especially in need as the local Spanish-speaking population is underserved in the following practice areas : probate , consumer protection , immigration , landlord / tenant and business .
To learn more and to join the HCBA ’ s Lawyer Referral Service , visit www . hillsbar . caom / page / JoinLRIS ..
Contact Lupe Vazquez-Mitcham at 813 221-7783 or lupe @ hillsbar . com for further information .
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