HCBA Lawyer magazine No. 33, Issue 6 | Page 18

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S T A T E A T T O R N E Y ’ S M E S S A G E S u z y L o p e z –
H i l l s b o r o u g h C o u n t y S t a t e A t t o r n e y

stateattorney ’ sofficerenewsfocus onvictims

iknowfirsthandtheimpactaface-to-facemeetingcanhavefor thosefightingforjusticeonbehalfoftheirlovedone .

Every day , my office encounters victims whose lives have been forever changed by senseless acts of violence . It is our job not only to prosecute ; we also must help to navigate the often-confusing court process while ensuring victims are believed , heard , and supported .

Prior to this year , homicide victims ’ families would receive a letter of support in the mail from our State Attorney . After spending 17 years as a prosecutor in this office , I know firsthand the impact a face-to-face meeting can have for those fighting for justice on behalf of their loved one . That is why I personally meet with the next of kin in every homicide case we prosecute . This is a departure from previous practice , and a crucial part of our renewed focus on victims and their family members to better serve our community .
This change in process better aligns with the important work that happens every day in our robust Victim Assistance Program ( VAP ). It is comprised of compassionate advocates who guide victims and their families through every step of the legal process . The Victim Counselors provide families with notification of court dates , connect them with community partners like the Crisis Center of Tampa Bay and The Spring , and even sit next to them in court to provide moral support and a deeper explanation of the legal proceedings .
This career is truly a calling for our incredible counselors . In fact , some have tragically been crime victims themselves . JoCarrol Bird , a 25-year veteran of VAP , was working with her husband in their Tampa restaurant in 1985 when a man came in to rob them at closing time . The man shot and killed her husband while JoCarrol and her children were present .
There was no Victim Assistance Program at the time , and JoCarrol remembers how lonely it felt to sit outside the courtroom with seemingly no voice . Although her husband ’ s murderer was found guilty and is spending life in prison , she remembers the lack of support from our system .
When VAP launched , JoCarrol knew her unique experience would be an asset to the department , and she was right . She offers the unwavering support to victims that she never received herself . JoCarrol and the rest of our advocates have tremendous impact every day and remain one of the most important teams in this office .
There is so much more to a victim ’ s experience in the legal system aside from hearing a guilty verdict . In the months or years it can take for a case to resolve , it is crucial for victims to be informed and feel supported through the entirety of the process . I thank our dedicated VAP team and will personally stay committed to standing with victims of all crimes as we fight for justice together . n
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