HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 33, Issue 5 | Page 6

E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J i m W i m s a t t – H a r r i s , H u n t & D e r r , P . A .

Stay “ IntheKnow ” withthe

Lawyer Magazine

thelawyersandSectionsofthehCBaarehardatworkand provideuswithsomeinterestingperspectives , updates , and insights ( inthisissue ).
As the calendar turns to springtime , and our thoughts turn to summer adventures , the lawyers and Sections of the Hillsborough County Bar Association are hard at work and provide us with some interesting perspectives , updates , and insights .
In case law updates , the Appellate Section apprises us of an important evolution in the Florida Supreme Court ’ s statutory construction doctrine . When the meaning of statutory text is disputed , judges should now exhaust the textual and structural clues that bear on the meaning of the text , under the principles articulated in Conage v . United States .
The Labor and Employment Law Section analyzes a similarly impactful decision by the United States Supreme Court in Helix Energy Solutions Group , Inc . v . Hewitt . In that case , the high court held that day-rate employees are not paid on a “ salary basis ” and are therefore entitled to overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act . The Workers ’ Compensation Law Section provides an update on the law surrounding one-time changes .
Continuing in the area of labor and employment law , Shane Muñoz of the Mediation & Arbitration Section delineates why mediations in that area of law are unique
and have different considerations than your run-of-themill civil mediation .
The Government Lawyers Section provides us with an in-depth look at the role of a Court Counsel , while the Clerk of the Court informs us of the much-needed funding changes passed by the Legislature in recent years and requests support for the structural reforms that are still badly needed . In other legislative changes , the Trial
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