Mar - apr 2023 | Vol . 33 , No . 4
features & events
4 TakingThePlunge : BoardCerTifiCaTion
Editor ’ sMessagebyJimWimsatt
6 geTTingConneCTed — Join aCommiTTeeorSeCTion
HCBAPresident ’ sMessagebyJacquelineA . Simms-Petredis
8 hCBamemBerSConTinue ToShine
YLDPresident ’ sMessagebyAnishaPatel
10hCBa ’ SmiliTary & VeTeranS affairSCommiTTeememBerS ConTinueToinSPireandSerVe
ExecutiveDirector ’ sMessagebyJohnF . Kynes
12ChiefJudgefiCarroTTa reCeiVeSdiSTinguiShed JudiCialSerViCeaward
ThirteenthJudicialCircuitCourt MessagebyGinaJustice
14deliVering24 / 7SerViCeS onlineforyourConVenienCe
ClerkoftheCourt & ComptrollerbyCindyStuart
3diVerSiTyfair & PaThTouniTy 15CoffeeaTCourThouSe
16JudgekaThrynkimBallmizelle goeS “ offThereCord ”
by MikeHooker
55mariTal & familylawSeCTion “ aCeSinfamilylaw ” Cle
55JudiCiallunCheon / Cle
59mVaChoSTSlunCheon wiThBuffaloSoldier
61JanuaryTrial & liTigaTion lunCheon
about the Cover
Happy spring ! In honor of baseball season , we are featuring on our cover one of our beloved local sports legends — Alfonso Ramon “ Al ” López , affectionately known to many as “ El Señor .” He was the first Tampa native to become a Major League player , manager , and inductee into the National Baseball Hall of Fame . He played for the Brooklyn Robins / Dodgers , Boston Bees , Pittsburgh Pirates , and Cleveland Indians , and was the manager for the Cleveland Indians and the Chicago White Sox . Lopez held the Major League record for career games as a catcher for more than 40 years . Also , over the course of 18 full seasons as a baseball manager , López ' s teams never finished with a losing record . He was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1977 .
On the cover , we also feature two local landmarks that bear Lopez ’ s name , Al Lopez Park and The Tampa Baseball Museum at the Al Lopez House . Al Lopez Park was renamed to honor Lopez in 1992 . The popular park located off of Himes Avenue features a life-statue of Lopez . The Tampa Baseball Museum , which commemorate the city ' s baseball heritage , opened in 2021 and is located in Lopez ’ s rehabilitated childhood home in Ybor City . m a r - a p r 2 0 2 3 | H C B a L a W Y E r