keepcalmanDraceon ! tHe14tHannualHcBa5kproBonoriverrun
5K Pro bono River Run Committee Chairs : JudgeAlissaEllison & JudgeDarrenFarfante – ThirteenthJudicialCircuitCourt
That ’ s right — the 2023 Annual HCBA 5k Pro Bono River Run is right around the corner . This year ’ s race is Saturday , March 25 , 2023 at 10:00 a . m . Once again , the race route will trace the scenic Tampa Riverwalk — beginning and ending at Water Works Park — promising a beautiful morning with friends , family , and colleagues . This is an annual event that you won ’ t want to miss .
The goal of the 5K Pro Bono River Run is to encourage the performance of pro bono services within our community . The results of the River Run speak for themselves . Since the inception of the 5K Pro Bono River Run ,
participants have delivered over 22,000 hours of pro bono service to our community . Last year , the 5K Pro Bono River Run resulted in 2,145 pledged pro bono hours . With your pledge , we know that we can do even better this year !
Registration for the 5K Pro Bono River Run is open through Race Roster ( accessible from the HCBA website at hillsbar . com ) and , in order to encourage our goal of supporting pro bono service , we will again offer a reduced registration fee of $ 25 for every runner who
sincetheinceptionofthe 5kproBonoriverrun , participantshavedelivered over22,000hoursof probonoserviceto ourcommunity . pledges at least 25 hours of pro bono service . We encourage you to take advantage of this reduced registration fee and to pledge 25 hours of pro bono service hours today . The commitment of pro bono hours is an impactful and meaningful way to use your talent and skill to give back to your community .
The race is family-friendly and open to all ages and calibers of runners and walkers .
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