HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 33, Issue 2 | Page 9

H C B A P r E S I d E n T ’ S M E S S A g E J a c q u e l i n e A . S i m m s - P e t r e d i s –
B u r r & F o r m a n , L L P
HCBA Executive Director John Kynes , USF President Rhea Law , HCBA YLD President-Elect Sean Bevil , HCBA President Simms-Petredis , and Tampa Mayor Jane Castor , with members of the Le Havre delegation . continuedfrompage6 such a unique organization . during a lunch at the george Edgecomb Courthouse , the French delegation was treated to local favorite , Wright ’ s deli , as well as an interactive discussion about our respective criminal systems and jury trials . As is usual , our Hillsborough County Judges were out in full force , supporting and participating in the events with the French delegation .
The HCBA was also invited to participate in a luncheon hosted by the University of South Florida , and held at the downtown CAMLS location . At this luncheon , our Mayor , the Honorable Jane Castor , and the Le Havre Mayor signed a proclamation regarding the continuation and revitalization of our sister city relationship . And as HCBA President , I had the honor of signing a similar proclamation with the Le Havre Bar Association .
The proclamation restated the goals of our partnership — the exchange of our views and professional experiences across our different cultures to cultivate friendships and business relationships . It also noted our recurring travel initiatives to engage our respective members and provide opportunities to visit their counterparts overseas . The HCBA ’ s visit to Le Havre is set for October 2023 , and I know I ’ m already on the lookout for my plane ticket !
Experiences like this one do not happen on a daily basis . In fact , I consider myself extremely lucky that this visit fell during my year as President of the HCBA . The
souvenir pen we used to sign the proclamation will always have a special place on my desk , reminding me of the importance of learning from other lawyers and also sharing our values with lawyers from abroad .
It is my hope that by sharing this story , everyone reading will take the opportunity to remember what makes the HCBA , our Tampa legal community , and our bigger justice system special . Many countries do not provide the same rights and privileges under their laws as we do here in United States . And even here at home , there are many people in our society who for one reason or another , are also not afforded the same rights and privileges as their neighbor . Luckily , we have local organizations like Bay Area Legal Services , gEBA , and our other voluntary bar associations , who provide us with opportunities to support the less privileged with our time and our treasures . They help ensure that we remain a place where everyone has a fair and equal opportunity to be heard , whether in civil or criminal court .
And with that , I want to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season , full of many things to celebrate and be thankful for this year . In my house we are especially thankful as we welcomed robert Thomas Petredis into the world over the summer . Adding his stocking alongside mine , Justin ’ s and the dogs will be an unforgettable moment .
Eat , drink and Be Merry and we will see you in the new Year !
N O V - D E C 2 0 2 2 | H C B A L A W Y E R