HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 33, Issue 2 | Page 11

Y L d P r E S I d E n T ’ S M E S S A g E L y n d s e y E . S i a r a – 6 t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t C o u r t


asweentertheseasonofthanksgiving , there ’ snobettertimeto remindourselvesandthosearoundusallthatwearegratefulfor .

Teaching gratefulness , particularly to a child , is a never-ending work in progress . I often say to my girls “ show me your grateful heart .” But really , as a parent , I must show them my own grateful heart . As we enter the season of thanksgiving , there ’ s no better time to remind ourselves and those around us all that we are grateful for . Showing gratitude comes in many worthy forms — observation , a kind word , a warm hug , and effective action to assist others , to name a few of my go-to gratitude-showing methods . But my favored way to show my own gratefulness is by helping others .

As we reflect on gratitude this season , I ’ m sure many of you , like me , feel extra grateful that our Tampa community was spared from the impact of Hurricane Ian . Yet , that gratitude is awash in guilt and sadness for our southern friends who felt the brunt of that storm and are reeling from its devastating impact . There ’ s no doubt those communities will need long-standing support as they work through the recovery process . The Florida Bar Young Lawyers division disaster Legal Services Hotline is one way lawyers can assist through answering hurricane victims ’ questions on a pro bono basis . Interested attorneys can sign up at : https :// flayld . org / disaster-legal-services-hotline /. Locally , our YLd has many standing opportunities for pro bono service which were highlighted at our recent annual Pro Bono Luncheon . Pro Bono Committee chair Calli Burnett is available to help our young lawyers find the best pro bono fit for their skills , interests , and any job-related restrictions . I ’ m so grateful that as trained
lawyers , we have the knowledge and skills to assist others with their legal issues .
While some may offer their pro bono legal services , others will organize food , clothing , or basic needs collection drives . In this regard , one thing I ’ m particularly proud of is the YLd ’ s focus on giving back to our community . In that vein , this year , the YLd Board rebranded the committee formerly known as Youth Projects into the Community Outreach Committee . Although we still very much care about service to the youth of our community , this adjustment reflects our desire to create positive change more broadly throughout Tampa Bay . Led by co-chairs rebecca Arends , Laura Ocampo , and Paige Tucker , this committee will , among other things , organize giving drives as part of many YLd events so that we can meet the various needs of our community . Whether it is back-toschool supplies in August , food in november , or toys in december , our YLd is on it . There ’ s so much to be proud of — and grateful for — when it comes to the YLd . I ’ d be remiss if I didn ’ t say once again how grateful I am for our YLd Board members , our committee chairs , and all our YLd volunteers , as well as HCBA staff , and in particular , Laurie rideout .
As for me , I ’ m so grateful to have the time , talent , and means to help others . However you do so , I simply encourage you to help others . In this upcoming season of thanksgiving and joy , as you reflect on how you ’ d like show gratitude , I hope you ’ ll join the YLd in giving with a grateful heart . n
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