HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 42

HCba CELEbRatES Law wEEk 2022 law Week Committee ( young lawyers Division law Week Committee ) Chairs : ­Mercy­Almaguer­ – ­Florida­Second­District­Court­of­Appeal­ & ­Briana­Zupko­ – ­Thirteenth­Circuit­State­Attorney ’ s­Office
Mock Trial - Temple Terrace Elementary
“ I found him guilty because I just didn ’ t like him as a witness .” this year ’ s Law week theme was : “ toward a More Perfect union : the Constitution in times of Change .”

In explaining his sole reason for finding the defendant guilty in a mock trial , a third-grade student prompted a lot of laughs from his classmates in Riverview Elementary School . And he also provided HCBA volunteer attorneys an opportunity to explain the role of the jury and the reasonable doubt standard .

This year , many HCBA members visited local schools during Law Week to educate the youth on our legal system . Law Week took place from March 8 to March 11 , and our HCBA members celebrated with more than 800 local students .
Law Week is an extended celebration of Law Day . In 1961 , Congress designated May 1 as the official date for Law Day . 1 Since then , Law Day has been observed every year to commemorate the rule of law . To celebrate Law Day , various bar associations across the country plan activities to help the public better understand our legal system .
In Hillsborough County , HCBA ’ s Young Lawyers Division organized various Law Week activities in local schools . Some HCBA members visited high schools to speak to the
students , and others participated in mock trials in elementary schools .
More than 550 students participated in the mock trials . The mock trial was based on the story of Jack and the Beanstalk . Fifthgrade students wrote the mock trial script , which is both funny and informative . The students had to decide whether Jack was guilty of murdering the giant when he chopped down the beanstalk .
In every mock trial , the students played the role of the witnesses and the bailiff , and in some of the mock trials , the students acted as the prosecuting and defense attorneys . Our HCBA members volunteered as judges or attorneys , and following the end of the mock trials , they answered questions from the students about their lives as attorneys . Many students expressed a desire to become attorneys , and we are excited for them to one day join our amazing profession .
HCBA members also visited local high schools to speak about careers in the legal profession or on the Law Week theme . This year ’ s Law Week theme was : “ Toward a More Perfect Union : The Constitution in Times of Change .”
The theme encouraged discussion on moments of constitutional change and how we can all work together to form a more perfect union . Our HCBA members spoke to more than 250 students .
In prior years , Hillsborough County students have also visited the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit ’ s George Edgecomb Courthouse , where many volunteers have led courthouse tours . In light of COVID-19 , however , the tours took place virtually this year . Students watched an exciting and informative video of the courthouse , including its history and a tour .
Law Week was a tremendous success this year , and the HCBA YLD ’ s Law Week Committee extends a huge thank you to all the members who volunteered this year to make that possible . n
After President Eisenhower declared Law Day as May 1 in 1958 , Congress passed a joint resolution adopting the same in 1961 .
Author : Mercy Almaguer – Florida Second District Court of Appeal
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