HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 37


HCBA members receive exclusive discounts and services through our Benefit Providers . To suggest a Benefit Provider , contact Stacy Williams at stacy @ hillsbar . com .
LawPay 3-Month Free Trial
Part of building a successful practice is finding the right payment partner . It ’ s important to work with a processor that understand the complexities and rules surrounding legal payments . LawPay ensures you stay ABA and IOLTA compliant for both credit card and eCheck transactions . Plus , they ’ re a proud member benefit of the Hillsborough Bar Association and trusted by more than 44,000 firms .
Call ( 866 ) 384-1299 or visit lawpay . com / hillsbar to get started .
LexisNexis : 30 % Discount on Products
LexisNexis offers HCBA members a 30 % discount on all books and online legal research packages .
For more information on this member discount , please contact Mark Crockett at ( 813 ) 390-7304 or mark . crockett @ lexisnexis . com .
Trial Consulting Services : 10 % Discount on Trial Research
From exhibit boards to trial graphics and other professional presentations , this expert team provides a wide range of services . HCBA members receive a 10 % discount on all trial research including mock trials .
Visit www . trialcs . com for a list of services .
Thompson Brand Images : 10 % Discount
HCBA members get 10 % off at this world-class photography studio . Thompson Brand Images will come to your office for firm photos , head shots , holiday parties and other special events .
Contact Bob Thompson at ( 813 ) 994-2000 or bobfoto @ gmail . com .


• Vendor table outside three ( 3 ) quarterly membership luncheons ( Oct ., Jan . and May ) or three ( 3 ) e-newsletter monthly sidebar advertisements — $ 1,500 value
• Three ( 3 ) quarter-page color display ads in Lawyer magazine — $ 1,035 value
• One ( 1 ) affiliate membership with complimentary access to all full-membership events — $ 295 value
• Sponsorship at either the Young Lawyers Division Golf Tournament in the fall , the Judicial Pig Roast / Food Festival and 5k River Run in the spring or other Bar Association event to be negotiated — $ 500 value
• Special recognition in each issue of Lawyer magazine and on the HCBA website
Annual cost to become a Benefit Provider : $ 2,000 — Value received : $ 3,330
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