HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 33

Government Gatherings Series and Government Lawyers Section Luncheon
on February 11 , the government Lawyers Section held an educational luncheon / CLE with the tampa noonshiners toastmasters Club , entitled “ Small talk , big Results ! How Lawyers Can become More Confident Conversationalists .” the Section thanks the members of the noonshiners Club which participated in the luncheon – toby Martin , Jonathan butler , Julia Schilling , and ali Hollenbeck .
Thank you also to the luncheon ’ s sponsor :
the government Lawyers Section also is hosting a “ government gatherings ” series for government lawyers , held at the Edgecomb Courthouse . the series provides a casual opportunity to connect and offers programming focused on government lawyer leadership and involvement . on March 11 , the luncheon hosted a panel discussing Florida bar involvement . the final luncheon of the series will be held on June 17 . all government lawyers are invited to attend , registration is on the HCba website . this series possible thanks in part to a diversity and inclusion grant from the Florida bar .
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