HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 3

about the Cover


MAy - Jun 2022 | Vol . 32 , no . 5


4 Law Day CELEbRationS anD HiStoRy in tHE Making
­Editor ’ s­Messageby­Joseline­Jean-Louis­Hardrick
6 MoRE in StoRE FoR tHE HCba : LEt ’ S ContinuE to RHyME
HCBA­President ’ s­Messageby­Cory­J . ­Person­
8 HCba yLD , HawL , anD CooLEy CELEbRatE woMEn ’ S HiStoRy MontH
YLD­President ’ s­Messageby­Bernice­Dewlow­ & ­Daniela­Mendez
12 yLD winS FLoRiDa baR yLD ’ S 2021 LaRgE aFFiLiatE oF tHE yEaR awaRD
Executive­Director ’ s­Messageby­John­F . ­Kynes
14 MoDERn CRiMinaL JuStiCE FRoM PEnSaCoLa to kEy wESt
From­the­State­Attorney by­Andrew­Warren
16 HiStoRiCaL nEw JuDgESHiPS FoR tHE 13tH CiRCuit
From­the­Thirteenth­Judicial Circuit­Chief­Judge by­Judge­Ronald­Ficarrotta
18 “ oPERation gREEn LigHt ” iS a CHanCE to SavE MonEy anD gEt baCk on tHE RoaD
From­the­Clerk­of­the­Court­ & ­Comptroller­Cindy­Stuart

features & events

11 in MEMoRiaM : tHERESa JEan-PiERRE Coy
15 ConStRuCtion Law SECtion CLE
28 DivERSity SyMPoSiuM
31 govERnMEnt gatHERingS SERiES anD govERnMEnt LawyERS SECtion LunCHEon
32 18tH annuaL JuDiCiaL FooD FEStivaL & 13tH annuaL 5k PRo bono RivER Run
41 young LawyERS DiviSion - Law wEEk MoCk tRiaLS
43 viCtoRy FoR tHE votE LunCHEon
56 tRiaL & Litigation SECtion awaRDS CEREMony
59 JuDiCiaL wEbinaR on PRobLEM SoLving CouRtS
Julia Schilling
Judge Michael J . Scionti
Judge Elizabeth Rice





Chief Judge Ronald Ficarrotta
Judge Daryl M . Manning


Judge Matthew Smith

about the Cover

On the cover of this issue of the Lawyer magazine , we are pleased to feature two great murals celebrating the history of the region . The two murals , called “ Dream Pushers ” are featured on the south and west walls of The Dream Center located in Ybor City .
Just north of Ybor City sits a campus of city facilities that serves the V . M . Ybor and East Tampa communities and include a city park and football field , a newly-restored above grade pool originally built in 1937 , and The Dream Center , a city building leased to a nonprofit , faith-based organization . The Center offers after school programs and youth mentoring . The south and west walls of The Dream Center served as the canvas for the murals .
Commissioned in 2016 by artists Illsol ( Tony Krol , Michelle Sawyer ), the first mural depicts the history of the Ybor neighborhood and its settlers through imagery and the colors in the Spanish , Cuban and Italian flags . The artists have featured a 1930s era swimmer and the nearby JC Newman cigar factory clock . The colors used on the first mural wrap around to the back , and complement the second mural , that depicts the contemporary use of the space . ( Images used with permission by the City of Tampa Public Art Program . For more information , visit www . tampa . gov / art-programs / murals .)
M a y - J u n 2 0 2 2 | H C B a L a W y E R