HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 24

Appellate Practice Section Chairs : ­Joe­Eagleton­ – ­Brannock­ & ­Humphries­ & ­Chance­Lyman­ – ­Buchanan­Ingersoll­ & ­Rooney , ­PC

As excellent and comprehensive as they may be , the Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure don ’ t have all the answers . Fret not ! There are other helpful resources specifically for practitioners in the Second District Court of Appeal . Below is a brief overview of those resources for the next time you ’ re faced with a question beyond the Rules .

The most valuable resources are the Court ’ s Internal Operating Procedures and its Practice Preferences , available on the Court ’ s website . Either could be the subject of a separate article , but here are a few highlights . Footnotes are strongly discouraged . The parties ’ briefs are presented to the panel in a compilation prepared by court staff and organized by issue .
as excellent and comprehensive as they may be , the Florida Rules of appellate Procedure don ’ t have all the answers .
Hence , the Court prefers that answer briefs track the initial brief ’ s order and categorization of the issues . The Clerk releases opinions each week on Wednesday and Friday , so mark your calendars if you are waiting on a decision . And each Wednesday , a two-judge motions panel convenes to consider pending motions on unassigned cases .
Do you need to know if the Court observes a
Continued on page 23

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June­3 , ­2022 YLD­State­Court­Trial­Seminar­ George­Edgecomb­Courthouse
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