HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 5 | Page 13

In Memoriam :

Theresa Jean-Pierre Coy

The HCBA joined the entire community in mourning the recent passing of a beloved member , local Bar leader , mentor and trailblazer in the legal community , and loving wife , mother and friend . After a long-fought battle with cancer , Theresa Jean-Pierre Coy passed away on April 11 , 2022 at the age of 41 . She is survived by her husband , Travis Coy ; her son Thaddeus , and her family . Her cancer diagnosis never defined her ; her unflinching perseverance throughout the years is a testament to her strength and resilience .

Theresa graduated with honors from Florida A & M University with a double major in Political Science and Public Administration . She earned her Juris Doctorate from Stetson University College of Law . As a member of Stetson ’ s Moot Court Board , Theresa earned the First Place Best Oral Advocate award at the E . Earl Zehmer National Moot Court Competition . Theresa would graduate with a certificate from the Concentration in Advocacy program and was bestowed the Victor O ’ Wehle Award for Excellence in Trial Advocacy by the university .
Theresa began her career as an Assistant Public Defender for the Sixth Judicial Circuit in Clearwater . Her respect and love for everyone was apparent in her professionalism and her practice as she defended indigent citizens in criminal cases . Following an exceptional career of public service , Theresa launched her own law firm in 2009 . Her firm handled a variety of criminal matters including some of Tampa Bay ’ s most high-profile trials . She would go on to serve as a guest commentator for Court TV providing valuable insight on some of the most scrutinized criminal trials across America .
Theresa left an indelible mark on our legal profession and the local community . In addition to serving as the president and active member of the George Edgecomb Bar Association , Theresa served in the Florida Bar Solo & Small Firm Section . The attorney , wife and mother also was the recipient of the G . Kirk Haas Humanitarian
Award by the Florida Bar in 2020 . Theresa was recognized by the Florida Bar for zealously defending a client during a federal drug trafficking trial while she experienced excruciating pain caused by the return of the cancer . Florida Bar President John Stewart described Theresa as “ the epitome of personal and professional courage and of dedicated service to the legal community .” That same year , the HCBA Criminal Law Section presented Theresa with the 2020 Bubba Huerta award for her professionalism , dedication to pro bono service , and her diligent work in the pursuit of equal justice . Theresa also returned to Stetson Law serving as an adjunct professor training the next generation of trial advocates .
In addition to her service within her profession , Theresa was also dedicated to service in our local community . She proudly served on the Tampa Mayor ’ s African American Advisory Council advising local leaders on issues impacting the Black community and served as a Hearing Officer for Hillsborough County . Theresa was also named a 2019 Candidate for Woman of the Year award by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society when she was first diagnosed .
Later in her career , the former public defender returned to public service as a prosecutor . State Attorney Andrew Warren appointed Theresa to serve as the Director of the newly created Conviction Review Unit (“ CRU ”) of the State Attorney ’ s Office for the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit in Tampa . Always eager to serve justice and pursue fairness , she dedicated herself to ensuring that prior criminal convictions were not obtained in violation of constitutional rights . She was quoted in the Tampa Bay Times , concerning this role and what it meant for her own professional legacy stating , “[ T ] he ability to be able to get into [ the CRU ] and try to correct some of those errors — whether they were intentional or unintentional — is really a dream job for me and a great culmination of my life ’ s work so far .” n
Source : George Edgecomb Bar Association
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