HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 4 | Page 66

For the month of Oct . 2021 Judge : Hon . James Barton Parties : Melody Chambers v . Summer Vinson and Joseph Vinson
Attorneys for plaintiff : Troy McRitchie and Lee Tobin
Attorneys for defendant : Stacy Yates , Bryce Spano , Christopher Borzell
Nature of case : Injury claim for damages following rear-end collision . Claims of thoracic and lumbar injuries . Treatment included injection therapies and RFAs .
Verdict : Award of $ 675,000.00 ( Pending Post-Trial Motions )
For the month of Dec . 2021 Judge : Hon . Steven Merryday Parties : United States v .
Gregory Truitt Attorneys for plaintiff : Bob
Mosakowski and Tiffany Fields
Attorneys for defendant : Kevin Darken , Todd Foster and Melissa Snyder Nature of case : Wire fraud Verdict : Not guilty on all counts
For the month of Jan . 2022 Judge : Hon . Kemba Johnson
Lewis Parties : Coty Carlson v .
Grandview Botanicals , Inc . and Jose Negron
Attorneys for plaintiff : Weldon E . Brennan and Martin J . Hernandez
Attorneys for defendant : Robert Maxim Stoler , Catherine M . Verona , and Logan M . Manderscheid
Nature of case : Motor vehicle negligence — truck vs . pedestrian accident . Case was tried on liability only .
Verdict : Defense verdict
To submit news for Around the Association or Jury Trial Information , please email Stacy @ hillsbar . com . To view additional HCBA news and events , go to www . facebook . com / HCBAtampabay .
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