Tampa American Inns of Court
information & membershipApplication deadline : friday , June3 , 2022
The AmericAn inns of courT TAmpA chApTers inviTe you To Apply for membership .
The American Inns of Court is a national organization designed to improve the skills , professionalism , and ethics of the bench and bar . Tampa ’ s civil litigation Inns are The J . Clifford Cheatwood Inn , The Ferguson-White Inn , The Tampa Bay Inn , and The Wm . Reece Smith Litigation Inn . Each Inn limits membership to approximately 80 members who are assigned to pupillage groups of eight or nine members . Pupillage groups include at least one judge as well as attorneys of varying experience and areas of practice . The Inns usually meet monthly from September through May for dinner programs , except for The Wm . Reece Smith Litigation Inn which meets monthly for a weekday luncheon . Inn members usually earn one hour of CLE credit for each program attended . Each year , the Inns invite new members to join for varying membership terms . Members are selected based upon their length and area of practice . Discounted memberships are available for full-time law students who wish to apply . If you are interested , please apply promptly ! ( Please note : Current Inn members who wish to renew membership in their present Inn need not apply .)
Name :______________________________________________________________________________ Firm :__________________________________________________________________________________ Address : __________________________________________________________________________ Email address : ________________________________________________________________________ Years in practice and specialty ? ______________________________________________________ Prior experience with any Inn of Court ? ________________________________________________ Have you previously applied ? ____________________ When ? ____________________________ Have you been referred to an Inn ? If so , by whom ? ______________________________________ List any weekday evening you cannot attend meetings : __________________________________ Do you have a preference for a particular Inn ? ________________________________________ Please attach a current resume limited to one page in length .
forwardApplicationpackageto : jointinnsapplication @ gmail . com
Note : This application does not include other specialty Inns here in the Tampa Bay area ( family , criminal , criminal-appellate , workers compensation , and elder law ) that have separate application processes . Please visit www . innsofcourt . org to explore additional inns .
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