HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 4 | Page 32

Government lawyers Section Chairs : ­Christian­Katchuk­ – 13th­Judicial­Circuit­ & ­Lyndsey­Siara­ – 13th­Judicial­Circuit

Upon arriving at the Southwest Florida Water Management District ’ s ( SWFWMD ) Tampa service office just north of the Florida State Fairgrounds , I head to my office to prepare notes on my cases for a morning meeting with the other enforcement attorneys in the District ’ s Office of General Counsel .

The District is one of five water management districts in Florida with the responsibility of minimizing flood risks , protecting water quality , and preserving the state ’ s water resources , including wetlands , lakes , rivers , and groundwater . 1 As an independent special district , it is controlled by 13 Governing Board Members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Florida Senate . Our jurisdiction covers approximately 10,000 square miles in west-central Florida , extending to all or part of 16 counties .
As the in-house legal counsel to the District , the Office of General Counsel is composed of 11 attorneys who work on a variety of matters including enforcement and litigation , rulemaking affecting
the protection of water resources , procurement , and preparation of contracts and easements . Our attorneys represent the District in federal , state , and administrative judicial tribunals . For my enforce - ment and litigation files , I practice primarily in the state circuit courts and the Division of Administrative Hearings . While most of my cases involve violations of permits issued by the District , I also defend the District in civil suits and work on rulemaking .
After attending the enforcement meeting , I speak with a District staff engineer for an update on a case about unauthorized commercial activities impacting a wetland . The conversation centers on the monetary penalties and corrective actions we will seek from the violator to bring the site into compliance with state law and rules for environmental resource permitting . With this updated information , I begin drafting an administrative complaint .
In the afternoon , I review another enforcement file in preparation for visiting a mine site with a District staff geologist and environmental scientist . The site visit will help me better understand
ourdiversemixof casesismyabsolute favoritepartofthe job , becausewe neverknowwhat newandinteresting issuesthenext casewillbring .
the impacts of the water use permit condition violations . I prepare notes and questions for the site visit and respond to emails about a new litigation file .
Before the end of my workday , I make sure that my work boots and hardhat are in my office and ready for the next day ’ s early site visit . I enjoy learning about the science involved in my cases , and I ’ m lucky to work with excellent staff who never hesitate to answer even my most basic questions . I am proud to represent the District in protecting and conserving our water resources for generations of Floridians to come . n
The District operates pursuant to Chapter 373 , Fla . Stat ., and is charged with administering and enforcing Chapter 373 and the rules promulgated thereunder in Chapters 40D and 62 of the Florida Administrative Code .
Author : Jennifer A . Soberal - Southwest Florida Water Management District
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