HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 4 | Page 19

S P E C I A L F E A T U R E L y n d s e y E . S i a r a – T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t C o u r t
Gabbard has been all over the world — Australia , New Zealand , Italy ( her favorite ), Russia , Sweden , Finland , Spain , Turkey , England , France , Swit - zerland , and more — 29 total countries ! Next on her travel wish list is Ireland , Iceland , Japan , and perhaps Norway .
After family members had positive judicial experiences with their small claims matters , Gabbard was inspired to become a judge . She wanted to be that same “ good judge ” for others . A double Gator , she was appointed to the county bench in 2012 and re-elected in 2014 , then appointed to the circuit bench in 2017 and re-elected in 2018 . She attributes her personal ethics to her family values — hard work , personal responsibility and excellence , and taking care of one ’ s family . Gabbard incorporated her culture into her investiture ceremony , recognizing that her family heritage is deeply ingrained in who she is . Her parents had traditional Samoan flower leis shipped in for the occasion — as is customary to celebrate big life events — and Gabbard ’ s nieces and nephews adorned her with them .
Judge Gabbard with her dad and cousin Tulsi Gabbard .
Hanging on her office wall is a traditional Samoan siapo ( tapa cloth ), made of the inner bark of an u ’ a ( paper mulberry tree ) and decorated with tree , plant , and clay dyes . It shows a customary Samoan fale , an open-air , thatched hut home . As an ever-present reminder of her Samoan culture , Gabbard also wears a tortoise shell bracelet typical of Samoan jewelry . With these daily reminders of her own background , Judge Gabbard has greater awareness of how one ’ s culture affects one ’ s life . She carries with her an appreciation of our diverse community . And with that appreciation comes an acknowledgment of our differences , but more importantly , a deeper understanding of our inherent common alities . Until next time … . n
Author : Lyndsey E . Siara – Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court
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