HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 4 | Page 10

Y L D P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E A l e x a n d r a P a l e r m o – S y n i v e r s e T e c h n o l o g i e s

yldrecognizesoutstandingyoung lawyersandJuristwithAnnualAwards

theyldisproudtorecognizeandthankJudgeJessicag . Costello , Christiankatchuk , lyndseysiara , andAlexpalermofortheir substantialcontributionstothelegalprofession , theyld , andthe HillsboroughCountycommunity .

This year ’ s HCBA Diversity Membership Luncheon featured keynote speaker Rania Shehata , a local lawyer who stands out as a global leader in diversity . During the luncheon , the YLD had the privilege of presenting its annual awards to our outstanding young lawyers and jurist .

The Robert J . Patton Outstanding Jurist Award recognizes a jurist with an excellent reputation and a record of integrity who demonstrates concern , respect , and willingness to assist young lawyers .
This year ’ s recipient , the Honorable Jessica G . Costello , has served as a County Court Judge since 2019 . She previously served as an Assistant Statewide Prosecutor with the Florida Attorney
Left to right : Christian Katchuk , Judge Jessica G . Costello , alex palermo , and Lyndsey Siara were honored with the YLD ’ s annual awards .
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