HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 3 | Page 6

E D I T O R ’ S M E S S A G E J o s e l i n e J e a n - L o u i s H a r d r i c k –
W M U C o o l e y L a w S c h o o l

2022-NewYear , NewYou ?

whetheryou ’ resettingpersonalorprofessionalgoals , usingthe sMartgoalframeworkcanestablishastrongfoundationfor achievingsuccess .

It ’ s the new year ! As a tradition worldwide , we celebrate another rotation around the sun and probably set some new goals for the year . Many of us reflect on our lives and think about what we ’ d like to do better or improve upon . Maybe you ’ ve considered creating better eating habits , exercising more ( or at all ), going to bed earlier , or saving more money . These are all worthwhile pursuits . But did you know that most people give up on those goals by February ? The best month of the year for gyms is January because they get the most sign-ups for membership . But by February , the attendance trickles as people return to their daily rituals . There are better ways to approach goals . As lawyers , we ’ ve tackled tough assignments and overcome some serious obstacles ( bar exam , anyone ?). So we ’ ve done tough things before , but sometimes our resilience and persistence run out from overuse , or we burn out .

Here are several tips to start the new year in the right direction — ones that you can sustain throughout the entire year .
1 . Set SMART goals — SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific , Measurable , Achievable , Relevant , and Time-based . Each part of the SMART framework works together to create a goal that is carefully planned , clear and trackable . You may have set goals in your past that were difficult to achieve because they were too vague , aggressive , or poorly framed . Working toward a poorly-crafted goal can feel daunting and unachievable . Creating SMART goals can help solve these problems . Whether you ’ re setting personal or professional goals , using the SMART goal framework can establish a strong foundation for achieving success .
2 . Set intentions for each goal — what ’ s the difference , you may ask ? Intentions are in the present moment , lived each day , and about your relationship with yourself and others . By setting
your intentions and combining them with goals , you will enjoy the journey as much as the destination . And tying emotions to the goals make them more motivating . Instead of thinking about only the practical benefits of achieving the goal , you can benefit from the positive emotions tied to achieving goals , which assist with sleep , satisfaction , and energy .
3 . Keep a journal — this practice does not have to be time-consuming or complicated . Many smartphone apps and books provide quick prompts to guide you through journaling exercises you can complete in 5 minutes or less . A journal helps you stay focused , cultivate gratitude , and learn from mistakes .
4 . Start a meditative practice — mediation is simply the process of pausing your mind , whether it is through silence , repetitive phrases , music , or visualization . If you grew up with mediation in your faith tradition , typically called prayer , consider returning to it . If not , you can engage in short 3-minute meditations easily located on YouTube and other platforms to guide you through simple thought exercises to quiet your mind . Even these brief periods of silent reflection can have a
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