HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 3 | Page 24

tipsfordraftiNGaNorderGraNtiNGsuMMarYJudGMeNt appellate Practice Section Chairs : ­Joe­Eagleton­ – ­Brannock­ & ­Humphries­ & ­Chance­Lyman­ – ­Buchanan­Ingersoll­ & ­Rooney , ­PC
Yourordershouldprovidea detaileddiscussionofallthe materialevidencetoexplain whytheevidencedidnotcreate agenuinedisputeinthefacts .

Florida ’ s new Rule 1.510 governing motions for summary judgment sets forth very specific requirements for motions and the evidence upon which the moving party relies . Assuming you ’ ve met those requirements 1 and you ’ ve successfully convinced the trial court , you can now draft the order .

Here are some suggestions for increasing the likelihood that your judgment will be affirmed :
● Include an opening paragraph that identifies the date and name of the motion and the parties who appeared for the argument and who did not . 2
● Include a description or list of the evidence that is in the court file — include both yours and your opponent ’ s evidence to ensure that it does not appear the court overlooked any evidence .
● Include a paragraph that states the new legal standard for summary judgments , which is construed and applied in accordance with the federal summary judgment standard , which states : “ The mere existence of a scintilla of evidence in support of the plaintiff ' s position will be insufficient ; there must be evidence on which the jury could reasonably find for the plaintiff . The judge ’ s inquiry , therefore , unavoidably asks whether reasonable jurors could find by a preponderance of the evidence that the plaintiff is entitled to a verdict ….” 3
● Establish how there are no disputes in the evidence . Your order should provide a detailed discussion of all the material evidence to explain why the evidence did not create a genuine dispute in the facts . 4 Your order should provide a clear narrative of the undisputed facts .
● Do not exaggerate the facts , include facts that are not in the record , or findings the court didn ’ t make . Try to


January 19 , 2022 Diversity­Membership­Luncheon JW­Marriott­Tampa­Water­Street

March 26 , 2022 Judicial­Food­Festival­ ( Pig­Roast ) ­ & ­5K­Pro Bono­River­Run , ­Stetson­University­Collegeof­Law , ­Tampa­Campus­ & ­Water­Works­Park hcba events

May 12 , 2022 Law­ & ­Liberty­Dinner Hilton­Tampa­Downtown
May 16 , 2022 Law­Day­Membership­Luncheon JW­Marriott­Tampa­Water­Street
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