HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 32, Issue 3 | Page 23

offer a reduced registration fee of $ 25 for every runner who pledges at least 25 hours of pro bono service . No other race gives you the personal satisfaction that comes from helping others who need your time , talent , and ability to resolve legal matters that dramatically affect their daily lives .
After the race is completed , finishers can also chow down on some fantastic food and celebrate with members of the judiciary and legal community at the Judicial Food Festival at Stetson University ’ s Tampa Law Center . The Food Festival is held immediately after the race and is free to HCBA members and their families and guests .
So find your running shoes and be ready to go the distance for the HCBA on March 26 , 2022 . We hope it will be a beautiful day and we know it ’ s a beautiful location . More importantly , your commitment to pro bono service will serve as a shining example of the impact our profession can have across the community . On behalf of our committee , we thank you in advance for participating in the 13th Annual Pro Bono River Run and for answering this call to service … READY , SET , GO ! n
An amazing list of pro bono opportunities is available on the 13th Judicial Circuit website at http :// www . fljud13 . org / Portals / 0 / Forms / pdfs / Pro _ Bono _ Opportunities _ HillsCty . pdf .
Authors ( Co-Chairs ): Judge Alissa Ellison & Judge Darren Farfante – Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Court
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