HCBA Lawyer Magazine No. 31, Issue 4 | Page 17

F R O M T H E S T A T E A T T O R N E Y A n d r e w H . W a r r e n - S t a t e A t t o r n e y f o r t h e T h i r t e e n t h J u d i c i a l C i r c u i t
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Treatment and rehabilitation are more effective and less expensive than jail or prison . Additionally , this approach benefits the community beyond the criminal justice system by improving health outcomes and employment opportunities , both of which reduce the burden on taxpayers .
Under DETRR , if offenders successfully follow the prescribed drug treatment or drug education program and stay arrest-free for six months , the drug possession charge will be dismissed .
DETRR has three different levels : Level 1 is for marijuana possession ; Level 2 is for first-time possession of other drugs ; and Level 3 is for low-risk repeat offenders — essentially anyone who doesn ’ t qualify for Levels 1 or 2 . In each level , defendants must remain arrest-free for six months and participate in treatment based on their individual needs . Treatment ranges from drug education to substance abuse or mental health treatment , to cognitive behavioral therapy . The key is that clinicians — not lawyers — prescribe the treatment .
Blindly locking up people who suffer from addiction undermines public safety — we can make our neighborhoods safer by attacking the root cause of the problem .
More than half the inmates in the U . S . meet the criteria for drug abuse or dependence . Research shows that treatment for substance abuse makes people less likely to re-offend . People who go through a drug diversion program are also less likely to re-offend than people who serve normal probation or jail time .
Think of DETRR as a new “ younger sibling ” of Hillsborough County ’ s highly effective Drug Court , which is most effective for people classified as “ high-risk ” to become repeat offenders . DETRR offers new paths for low-risk defendants , whereas Drug Court remains an option for the highest risk , highest needs offenders .
Both research and common sense tell us there is a major link between drug abuse and crime . Taking a problem-solving approach to drug abuse prevents crime , saves money , and gives people suffering from addiction the help they need . n
M A R - A P R 2 0 2 1 | H C B A L A W Y E R
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