· Post your 250- to 300-word response to the following:
o Describe the medical equipment and procedures involved in
diagnosing and treating
the condition.
o If the disease has been diagnosed, do you agree with the doctor?
Why or why not?
o If you don‟t agree with the doctor, or the disease has not yet been
diagnosed, offer a
diagnosis and treatment plan.
HCA 240 Week 5 DQ 1(2 Sets)
· Due Date: Day 2 [Main] forum
· Post your response to the following: Select and identify a disease in
Ch. 10 that can be
prevented or controlled by changes in lifestyle rather than by
medications or therapy.
What lifestyle changes can individuals implement to prevent or control
the disease? What
factors would make the lifestyle changes difficult to accomplish?
Propose strategies to
overcome those factors. Finally, which would you choose—lifestyle
change or
prescription medication—if the choices were available for a condition
you were diagnosed
with? Explain your decision
HCA 240 Week 5 DQ 2(2 Sets)