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HCA 240 Week 5 DQ 1 ( 2 Sets )
HCA 240 Week 5 DQ 2 ( 2 Sets )
· Post your 250- to 300-word response to the following : o Describe the medical equipment and procedures involved in diagnosing and treating the condition . o If the disease has been diagnosed , do you agree with the doctor ? Why or why not ? o If you don ‟ t agree with the doctor , or the disease has not yet been diagnosed , offer a diagnosis and treatment plan . ----------------------------------------------------------

HCA 240 Week 5 DQ 1 ( 2 Sets )

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· Due Date : Day 2 [ Main ] forum
· Post your response to the following : Select and identify a disease in Ch . 10 that can be prevented or controlled by changes in lifestyle rather than by medications or therapy . What lifestyle changes can individuals implement to prevent or control the disease ? What factors would make the lifestyle changes difficult to accomplish ? Propose strategies to overcome those factors . Finally , which would you choose — lifestyle change or prescription medication — if the choices were available for a condition you were diagnosed with ? Explain your decision ----------------------------------------------------------

HCA 240 Week 5 DQ 2 ( 2 Sets )