HCA 240 Week 4 CheckPoint 1 Blood Bank Supervisor ( 2
Sets )
conditions .
· Include a description of the cause of the disorder , how it can be diagnosed , what can be done to treat it , and how to prevent it in the future .
· Post your paper as a Microsoft ® Word attachment ----------------------------------------------------------
HCA 240 Week 4 CheckPoint 1 Blood Bank Supervisor ( 2
Sets )
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· Resources : Ch . 8 of Human Diseases and the glossary located on the text companion Web site at http :// wps . prenhall . com / chet _ mulvihill _ humandisease _ 6
· Due Date : Day 3 [ Individual ] forum
· Refer to Ch . 8 of the text and navigate to the glossary on the text companion Web site by selecting any chapter , then selecting Audio Glossary on the left side of the page . Use both resources to research your answer .
· Post your response to the following : You are the supervisor for the Axia College Blood Bank . One day during a blood drive , a student donating blood asks “ What exactly is in whole blood ?” Answer the student ‟ s question in 150 to 200 words by explaining the purpose of the following blood products : plasma , red blood cells , and platelets . Make sure your explanation can be easily understood by the blood donor , who has not taken any science classes