Hazard Risk Resilience Magazine Volume 1 Issue 3 | Page 44

INTRO | HIGHLIGHTS | FEATURES | INTERVIEWS | PERSPECTIVES 45 THE MAIN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OF ABANDONED COAL MINES ARISES FROM THE ISSUE OF MINE WATER. due to the escape of methane and suffocation due to the emission of low oxygen/high carbon dioxide mixtures. Both of these risks are greatly increased where gas is released into buildings and other confined spaces. To address these risks, vents have been installed into workings known to be at risk of containing gas at pressure, and these are regularly monitored for any changes in gas composition. In addition, two active pumping schemes have been installed in the North East to keep the workings at sub-atmospheric pressure to protect properties at risk. There is also a specialised response to potential gas-related hazards through the 24/7 hazard line. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS The main environmental impact of abandoned coal mines arises from the issue of mine water. These mine waters are typically laden with soluble iron sulphate which on contact with oxygen at the surface precipitates iron ochre. The ochre will turn water bodies a very distinctive red/orange colour and can kill off flora and fauna in those streams and ponds. Under the European Water Framework Directive (WFD), countries have an obligation to bring the quality of their water bodies to a ‘good’ status and the Coal Authority works with the Environment Agency, the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and National Resources Wales to address a list of sites that require treatment to conform with the WFD. To this end it has designed and built over 60 mine water treatment schemes in England, Scotland and Wales. The great majority of these schemes are systems to collect the ochre and reduce the effluent to acceptable levels (1mg/L iron) before being released into streams, rivers, and the sea. The significant active treatment scheme in Britain is the plant at Dawdon in the north east of England which treats water high in iron and salt, then discharges the treated water into the North Sea. The Dawdon plant is used to treat water that is pumped from mine workings below an aquifer serving the north east region with drinking water. Pumping is required to prevent the iron entering the aquifer and potentially causing iron rich waters to enter the public water supply. These actions are contributing to making significant progress towards the UK’s compliance with the WFD, and significantly improving the environment in coalfield areas of Britain. REMEDIATING MINE WATERS Waters from abandoned metal mines can contain dangerous levels of toxic metals. They typically do not contain high levels of iron and therefore often appear clean and even drinkable. But unlike water from coal mines there is no single body with responsibility for treating these waters. As a result, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) is funding the Coal Authority to look at the feasibility of treating metal mine waters, and building schemes to control contamination from the many metal mines around the country. Two such schemes have already been constructed – one an ironstone mine water issue at Saltburn in Cleveland and the other a zinc and lead mine water issue in the Lake District. Research and development projects are under way to reduce the risks from mine collapses and the environmental impacts of mine waters. These include using alternative materials for repairing ground collapses, understanding ground failure mechanisms, and using remote sensing methods for inspecting mine entries. Studies are also being conducted into how to build mine water treatment schemes where ground for construction is limited, and new methods of treating metal mine waters. Assessing risk to the public and the Coal Authority’s liabilities are informed by the large body of mining information that is held by the Coal Authority. Coal mine abandonment plans have both been digitised and stored in the Coal Authority’s GIS system. As well as being the source of mining reports, which the Coal Authority produces for house buyers, these records form the principal information base of the Coal Authority and are used for assessing liability and areas of particular risk. Importantly, these records are vital for the role of the Coal Authority as a statutory consultee for local authority planning applications. They enable the Coal Authority to identify risks to development from mining so that such risks can be properly assessed. Key plans identifying the 15 per cent of coal-mined areas that are at highest risk from mine entries and shallow mining, have been provided to all relevant local authority planning departments to assist in determining where past coal mining is an issue that needs to be addressed. Steven Kershaw is Head of Research and Development for the Coal Authority. Contact: [email protected] Above: Morlais mine water treatment scheme in Wales with two settling lagoons. Ochre can clearly be seen in the lagoon to the right. Below: This polluted stream discharged into the sea via a beach used by holidaymakers.