Hazard Risk Resilience Magazine Volume 1 Issue 3 | Page 42

INTRO | HIGHLIGHTS | FEATURES | INTERVIEWS | PERSPECTIVES Managing environmental risks from Britain’s mining legacy Steven Kershaw explains the risks left by coal mining in Britain and how they can be managed A ‘crown hole’ which opened by the side of a highway. A shaft that was used for pumping water in order to control water levels in the mines. CENTURIES OF MINING IN BRITAIN has left a legacy of abandoned underground mines that continues to represent a risk to public safety and environmental contamination that will exist for many centuries to come. The Coal Authority, founded in 1994 to look after the legacy of the coal industry, owns the estate of coal seams and mines within Britain. In 2014 it will celebrate its 20th anniversary of addressing these risks on behalf of the nation. Its principal roles are the control and treatment of mine waters, treating the effects of subsidence and providing mining information to the public, as well as licensing the mining of coal. RISKS TO THE PUBLIC A principal risk to the public is the ground collapsing above abandoned mine workings. A thousand such incidents per year are reported to the Coal Authority, approximately half of which are mining related. There is a 24/7 hazard line where the public can phone in to report mining hazards and there are regional staff who can respond as soon as possible after notification. The collapses are largely associated with old shallow workings at depths of less than 30 metres below the surface and mine entries, especially shafts, where collapses occur into voids. These failures can cause damage ranging from something that might represent a trip hazard to something that might swallow buildings or people. Most typically, the damage arising from shallow workings manifests itself as a crown hole, where the collapse of the mine roof into a void migrates upwards until it reaches the surface. After filling any voids, shafts are typically fitted with a reinforced concrete cap to prevent any further collapses. The geographical scale of the areas potentially at risk is large. Abandoned coal mine workings in Britain cover thousands of square kilometres with a significant percentage of these being at shallow depth. The shallowest workings tend to be those that were mined first and are therefore usually the oldest. 43 But abandonment plans have only had to be legally submitted to the HM Inspectorate of Mines since 1872, so there are many old workings, abandoned before that date, where no documentary evidence exists. INSPECTING MINE RISKS There are 170,000 recorded mine entries within the coalfields. There is probably a similar number of shafts which were never recorded or archived and whose positions remain unknown. These mined areas are often close to urban centres which grew on the coalfields during the industrial revolution and afterwards. Records show that there are over 58,000 recorded mineshafts in urban areas. This close relationship between potential mining hazards and the areas where people live creates particular problems for public safety. The large scale of the problem and the fact that collapses are very hard to predict, means that expensive proactive remediation of shallow mine workings and shafts is not carried out unless there is a clearly identified reason to do so. Typically, remediation will occur if developers wish to build over land that might have instabilities. This will usually involve filling workings with grout (fly ash, cement, and water) and building concrete caps over the shafts. Known shafts represent discrete points where failure could occur and therefore represent a clear identifiable risk to the public. In 2008 the Coal Authority began a programme of inspecting all the locations of recorded shafts, in order to identify whether there were any particular risks that needed to be addressed. At present 85,000 mineshafts have been visited and between 1