providing weapon, ammunition, shelter and
There are 270 thousand combatant soldiers
in the Iraqi Army which consists of 930
thousand military personnel in total who
are trained and armed by the USA armed
forces. However, it is known that the military operation capability and morale of the
Iraqi army has become weaker due to escalating sect conflicts, corruption and abuses.
Intense conflicts can be expected since the
Iraqi government shall use all the sources
such as the troops under its command, new
local militias, and air forces, Iran supported
Shiite groups from southern militia groups,
Kurdish peshmergas and the intellectual
and logistic support of the USA. On the
other hand, thousands of Shiite volunteer
combatant soldiers have been getting armed
by responding positively to Maliki’s call of
mobilization. In the chaotic atmosphere
arising from an unexpected turmoil and
loss of power, it may be expected that
Kurdish groups in Northern Iraq declare
autonomy by giving up the federal state
model, thinking that it is the right time for
tur. İran yönetimi ise, gelişmeler üzerine
bölgeye askeri müdahalede bulunabileceği
mesajlarını vermiştir. Başkan Obama,
IŞİD’e karşı Irak’a nasıl yardım edebilecekleri konusunda kara harekatı hariç her tür
seçeneği değerlendirdiklerini, ancak
ABD’nin Iraklı liderlerin mezhep çatışmasına çözüm olacak siyasi bir planı olmadığı
takdirde askeri bir adıma kalkışmayacağını
ifade etmiştir. ABD donanmasına ait uçak
gemisi USS George H.W. Bush, iki savaş
gemisiyle birlikte Körfez bölgesine intikal
etmiştir. Obama, Irak’a diplomatik temsilciliklerin korunması maksadı ile özel harekat
kuvvetleri ve Irak’a 300 askeri danışmanın
Maliki ordusuna danışmanlık maksadı ile
yardım kararı alındığını ifade etmiştir.
ABD’nin yeni politikasında hava harekatı
ve insansız hava araçları ile nokta saldırıları
seçeneğini kullanması beklenebilir. Bu bağlamda, siyasi çözümü tercih ettiği tahmin
edilen Obama’nın siyasal açıdan Maliki
yerine tüm Irak’ı kucaklayacak yeni bir
ortak lider arayışı içine girmesi mümkün
Irak’ın başkenti
Bağdat’taki Iraklı Şii
Iraqi Shiite fighters in the
capital of Iraq.
Iraqi government has demanded military
support from the USA upon the developments, and Iran has implied that it may
conduct a military intervention in the
region. President Barack Obama remarked
that they evaluated all options to help Iraq
against ISID except for ground war, but the
USA would not get engaged in any military
action on the condition that Iraqi leaders do
not possess any political plan as a solution
to sectarian conflicts. The airplane carrier
of the USA navy, USS George H.W. Bush,
has reverted to the Gulf region together
with two warships. Obama has specified
that the support decision has been taken
with the help of the special operation force
and 300 military consultants with the intention to protect the diplomatic representatives. Air operation and point attacks option
with unmanned aerial vehicles can be
expected in the new policy of the USA. In
this context, Obama, who is believed to
have chosen the political solution, may possibly look for another partner in Iraq who
shall embrace the entire Iraq instead of
Maliki. As the White House discusses the