Hazar World Sayı: 20 - Temmuz 2014 | Page 13

www.hazarworld.com rinin bir diğer önemli vurgusu ise Türkmen gazının alternatif pazarlara ulaştırılması konusunda oldu. Bildiri metninde liderler “Türkmen doğal gazının alternatif güzergahlardan dünya pazarlarına ulaştırılması konusundaki ortak çalışmaların sürdürülmesi ve bu konuda varılacak ortak uzlaşı çerçevesinde somut enerji projelerinin gerçekleştirilmesi yönündeki kararlılıklarını” dile getirdi. Bu gelişme ile halihazırda en önemli alıcısı Çin olan ve imza aşaması tamamlanan Türkmenistan-Afganistan-PakistanHindistan Doğal Gaz Boru Hattı (TAPI) ile Pakistan ve Hindistan pazarlarını hedefleyen Türkmenistan’ın batıdaki pazarlara da ulaşmadaki isteği ve Türkiye’nin bu kapsamdaki işbirliği de vurgulanmış oldu. Özellikle somut enerji projelerine olan desteğin altının çizilmesi, bölgede yeni doğal gaz boru hatlarının yapımına ilişkin önemli bir öngörü olarak kayıtlara geçti. Gül ve Berdimuhamedov huzurunda ekonomik işbirliği, turizm ve ormancılık gibi alanlarda da anlaşmalar imzalandı. Berdimuhamedov: “Bu Tarihi Mutabakatlar Geleceğe Işık Tutacak” Türkmenistan Devlet Başkanı Gurbanguli Berdimuhamedov, görüşmelerde elde edilen mutabakatların kardeş halkların mevcut ve Gül ve Berdimuhamedov enerji, ulaştırma, ticaret ve siyasi işbirliğini kapsayan bir dizi karar aldı. Gul and Berdimuhamedov took a series of decisions including cooperation in the fields of energy, transport, trade and politics. A fter coming together with Prime Minister Erdoğan in a working lunch, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov met with Parliamentary Speaker Cemil Çiçek in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. He made a gesture by participating in his capacity as guest Head of State to the summit of the Turkic Council held on the same date in Bodrum. In the warm atmosphere of the meeting, leaders often emphasized “fraternity and cooperation” in their statements. President Gül and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took a series of decisions including cooperation in the fields of energy, transport, trade and politics, and they also signed a declaration in this regard. Turkmenistan will be incorporated into the “Central Corridor” One of the most important agenda topics of the visit was the joint declaration signed by President Gül and President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Gul and Berdimuhamedov agreed on deepening the excellent relations between the two countries. One of the most important issues highlighted in the declaration was the decision of cooperation for incorporating Turkmenistan into the Central Corridor. It is underlined in the declaration that development of transport facilities and Turkmenistan’s incorporation into the Central Corridor which will link Turkey to Central Asia, China and Sub-Continent through BakuTbilisi-Kars railway line were important in terms of access to European markets. It was also expressed that maritime transport should be developed between the two countries as well as road and rail transport. Commitment to Alternative Markets for Turkmen Gas Another important emphasis of the joint declaration signed by President Gül and Turkmen leader Berdimuhamedov was about the transportation of Turkmen gas to alternative markets. In the declaration, the leaders put into word “the continuation of cooperation for the transportation of Turkmen natural gas to world markets through alternative routes and their commitment on the realization of concrete energy projects”. Turkmenistan’s desire to reach western markets, which aims for Pakistan and India markets via Turkmenistan-AfghanistanPakistan-India Natural Gas Pipeline (TAPI), currently the most important buyer of which is China was underlined. Moreover, Turkey’s cooperation in this regard was noted. Especially HAZAR WORLD 11