Hayden Canyon Perspective one | Page 7

The SALT System turns an ordinary music class into an academic hub of test preparation, character education and leadership development. The original music scores incorporate the National Core Standards and are delivered in a dynamic “camp-style” format that creates an atmosphere of excellence throughout the entire school. Comprehension is increased by integrating the core standards into a themed, character-based production which synthesises functions of memory and emotion, the five senses and both large and small muscle coordination. In essence, The SALT System turns the entire body into a learning machine which helps the child retain subject matter, internalize concepts, develop leadership skills, and integrate character values into their long term memory. In addition, The Salt System helps to meet k-12 college preparation requirements and helps to enhance national test scores.

The Salt System is an essential component to every elementary school. We propose the collaborative efforts of Champions College and The SALT System with Hayden Canyon’s charter school as one of our prototype locations. Not only will your students learn cutting edge techniques in the arts and technology from the creators of the program, they will actually be part of the teams that help produce them for national distribution.

For more information click here to go to: www.TheSaltSystem.com.

Elementary Music/Character Educationy