off their hijabs. Regardless, they and instead of teaching them that
are unfortunate and disappointing Hijab and modesty are articles of
clothing, why don’t you try to teach
them to take on modesty as a way
Nowadays, it’s not just limited to of life? To not only be modest in
the physical criticism, but these the way they dress, but humble and
judgments have jumped to social pious in the way they treat others
media. Yes, I know that once you and portray themselves in public.
put something on social media, Maintaining a modest way of life
you’re basically putting yourself in a will insure modesty on the outside
position to be judged and yes, I also (the way they dress) and modesty on
know that there are younger girls the inside (actions and ethics). You’ll
that look up to these fashionistas find yourself not needing to spend
and the way they dress. Moms and much time and effort in correcting
dads are scared about the kind of the way they dress because they are
influence their girls might get out of already going to have the core basics
photos like those. But mom and dad, of modesty carved out in their heads.
does your child watch the Disney
Channel? Do they have non-Muslim Set up fun seminars and educational
friends? Don’t they live in the 21st programs to teach theses young girls
century? Do they go to a non-Muslim how they can properly apply all these
school? If you answered yes to any western ideologies to Islam and their
of the above, your child is one way way of life. Don’t try to convince
or another getting exposed to non- yourself that you’re gong to place
Islamic ways of doing things. It’s ok your child in a bubble and prevent
though, because they’re not going to her from being exposed to any of
mutate into complete asghafurallah these western ideologies because
people because they saw a few girls at guess what? She’s an American!
school wearing mini skirts. If you’re And WILL BE exposed to these
doing your job of properly teaching ideologies whether you like it or
them the core basics of Islam (and not not. Frankly speaking, not all these
just dropping them off at a weekend ideologies are harmful but that’s an
Islamic school and expecting them entirely different subject that I’m
to grow up to become Sheikhs), then not even going to go into discussing
they are going to be fine.
right now.
You and your thoughts are not the
center of the universe. You do not
know the person you’re judging.
You don’t know what they’re going
through or what has influenced their
thoughts and decisions in life. The
answer to our community problems
is not harshly judging one another,
but rather advise, teach and lead
by example. This is not how you’re
going to “fix